Monday - Friday 10.00AM - 6.00PM
1002 High-Q Tower 1A Gulberg 5 Jail Road Lahore Pakistan
+92 (0)4235135142

Educational Consulting Services

Our educational consulting services are laser-focused on highly technical problems faced by the education industry whenever there is development on the agenda. Working closely with education regulators and education providers around the word, we have developed unique expertise in supporting our clients solve their problems.

Accreditation & Compliance

Achieving accreditation from an education regulator is paramount for the credibility of an academic institution. It is far more than a tick-box and encompasses commodities like data security, effective record management, and quality educational delivery.
We are well-equipped with the relevant knowledge and expertise to decrypt accreditation policies and help you comply with them to acquire a credible status.
Get in touch with us if you are experiencing trouble regarding accreditation policies.

Transnational Education

Delivered through an extensive variety of programs and platforms (distance learning programs, teaching partnerships, offshore campuses and, recently, MOOCs), transnational education is growing rapidly.
Students prefer TNE programs due to the flexible and high-quality education it provides at a much lower cost.
We help international awarding institutions and investors establish external degree programs, offshore campuses, franchised arrangements as well as acquisition of a domestic education provider in the target country. Our TNE services not only cover the accreditation and legal aspects but also caters to talent acquisition, campus premises and statutory approvals.
Sounds like something you’re in need of? Get in touch!

Policy & Strategy Development

Bridge & Gate supports national education authorities in developing robust and coherent education policies & strategies as well as managing their effective implementation. We offer technical assistance in education policy analysis, design of education sector development plans and donor mobilization in support of national educational priorities, such as inclusion through open and distance learning, access through transnational education, competency frameworks, learning outcomes, curriculum reform, faculty development, student psychology, technology impacts and learning behaviors.
Develop your next policy with us!

Research & Insight

No business or institution can flourish without adequate research and Insight. Thorough research of the current situation can help forecast effective measures for the future.
We provide report writing services using deep analytical tools, research, surveys, commentary, and suggestions along with ad-hoc problem analysis, training need analysis and capacity gap analysis.
Get in touch to discuss your research scope and requirements in detail.

Program Development

At Bridge & Gate we believe in designing programs that are on par with the current requirements of the industry employers. Programs developed with a traditional learning approach often lose their effectiveness when it comes to real-world knowledge application.
A combination of our research & insight experience coupled with years of employment with corporate world has given us a great deal of understanding of employer need. We can help educational institutes design programs that really add value for the learners in terms of relevance and employability.
Consult us to develop world class programs and produce top-of-the-line alumni!

Credit Exchange Program

Education institutions often deal with credit transfers on an ad-hoc basis which is resource and time intensive.
We can provide expert service in mapping curriculums, assessing exam rigor, and providing analytical outcome on exam governance and administration for receiving academic institution to take an informed credit exchange decision for a cohort of students from a particular institution. We can further support domestic and international institutions form credit exchange partnerships for the award of a joint or co-branded qualification.
Consult us to get our professional opinion on your Credit Exchange Program!
Get In TouchHow To Contact Us?
+92 (0)42 3513 5142
1002 High-Q Tower 1 Gulberg 5

Jail Road Lahore Pakistan

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